Friday, August 23, 2013

Rocky Road Slice

Not that you can tell sitting in your everyday chairs, but I’m coming to you from Gladstone! For those of you who fail to realise where it is, I’m 450km away from my home. I got shipped here for work for a few weeks.
I had about a days notice. I mean sure I don’t mind so much – I don’t really have any responsibilities at home so I’m able to easily pack a bag and get in the car. Plus I love going to new places. Even if they are slightly crummy industrial towns with no real restaurants. Work has put me up in a fancy unit which makes me feel like I’m living in a motel.

I’m staying with another lady from work. She’s around my age and is an Environmental Scientist. She’s all into saving the animals and does field work monitoring water quality and identifying trees. A full on earthy person. BUT with my uncanny interrogation questions, I have discovered she’s quite a foodie. Not quite to my level mind you, although she does crave good foods, love brunches and is dating a chef who has a degree in food politics! (It should be said that my mind blew up when I heard this and I have spent half the day researching where I can actually study food) SO, my first night was spent having a mind blowing, passionate discussion about the food industry, current practices and consumer choices.  Needless to say, I am going to rather enjoy staying in this little town. My passion can only increase!!
The downside is that the [motel] unit has zero baking equipment so I may have to show you more pancakes or milkshakes or....something that isn’t very impressive....

I made these a while ago though and they were basically a hit with everyone who ate them. Probably more suited for children, these have more sugars and fats in them then you’d really care to think about. I do not recommend consuming these on a daily basis – and definitely share the batch with friends!!

300g of plain chocolate cookies

145g butter

250g dark chocolate

1/2 cup peanuts

2/3 cup shredded coconut

250g white chocolate

1 ½ to 2 cups marshmallows

Line a slice tray with alfoil.

Process the chocolate biscuits into a crumb (I used about 250g of my own chocolate cookies and 50g of chocolate ripples).  Add 100g softened butter and process until well combined. Press the mixture into the prepared pan and pop into the fridge for 20mins.
Roast the peanuts under the grill. Be careful not to burn them. After they have turned a nice shade of brown, leave to cool and chop into rough chunks

Melt the dark chocolate and the remaining butter in the microwave for 30second bursts (or in a double boiler). Stir in the peanuts and shredded coconut and mix to combine. Pour over the cooled base and pop back into the fridge for another 30mins.

If you’re using normal marshmallows, chop into rough chunks. The amount of marshmallows is purely based on your desires. I used about 2 cups

Melt the white chocolate in the microwave on 30 second bursts (or in a double boiler). Add the marshmallows and mix to combine. Pour over the cooled slice.

Refrigerate for at least 30mins before cutting into squares.

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