Monday, February 25, 2013

Valentines Day Part 2

So. V-day Part 2. As I’m reflecting, I realise that I somewhat stuffed up all my V-day baking. I mean it’s all edible, it’s just not really show-off worthy. To the point where I actually didn’t give these away and they are still currently frozen in my freezer.

I had all intentions of making bulk cupcakes for work/friends and flavouring them strawberries and cream with a strawberry cupcake with actual strawberries. Buuut then the scunge in me reared her ugly head. I didn’t want to pay the $6 a punnet for fresh strawberries and I didn’t want copious amounts of frosting left over – so I just mixed all the random bits I had in the fridge.
In the end, the cupcakes were just standard vanilla with a bizarre topping made of cream cheese frosting, butter cream frosting and candy coating. Now now, don’t judge/laugh at me. I neglected to label the candy coating and thought it was white chocolate. Oh I also added in some strawberry essence so it was at least strawberry flavoured, which I think just gives it that 'fake strawberry' taste. The frosting is...weird. I’m sure all the men out there wouldn’t notice the difference (who is mostly who I feed my stuff to), but it’s just weird to me. Edible yes, but weird. Plus when I piped it the consistency was off, but thanks to the candy coating, sets like a rock.

Anyway, that was also a fail. I’ll probably eat them eventually after a bad work day or a fight with the boy but for now, they may stay in my freezer.

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